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Henry Aigbedo

Henry Aigbedo headshot

Title: Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management
Office: 344 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-4959
Email: haigbedo@oakland.edu

University of Tsukuba, Japan, Ph.D. Management Science and Engineering

Prior to joining the OU faculty, Henry Aigbedo held faculty positions at several institutions, including the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria; University of Tsukuba, Japan; and Iowa State University. He has acquired cognate industry experience through work or research at companies in Nigeria, Japan, and the United States. He has published in several refereed journals and books including; the European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Production Planning and Control, the International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, and Maynard's Industrial Engineering Handbook. He has also presented his work at many national and international conferences. He is a senior member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (formerly IIE). His other professional affiliations include the European Operations Management Association (EUROMA), the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS), and Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). He serves on the editorial board of Japanese Management and International Studies as well as the editorial review boards of the International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. He has also served on the ad hoc editorial review board of the Decision Sciences Journal. He was treasurer of the Southeast Michigan Chapter of INFORMS.

Teaching interests: 
Production and Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Just-In-Time/Lean, and Management Science

Research interests: 
Supply Chain Management, Just-In-Time/Lean, Mass Customization, Sustainability, Risk Management, and Quality Management


  • Best Reviewer Award, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2019
  • Distinguished Service Award, Oakland University School of Business Administration, 2019
  • Teaching Excellence Award (Nominee), Oakland University, 2010
  • Recognition Award, Marquis Who is Who in the World, 1999
  • Cultural Exchange Award, Japan Educational Foundation, 1997
  • Government Award, Japanese Government, 1991

Journals and Articles:

Aigbedo, H. (2023). An examination of the relationship between industry structure, debt and multilateral environmental agreements and environmental performance. Journal of Environmental Management. (12 pages)

Aigbedo, H. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry: A supply chain resilience perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 98,1-10.

Aigbedo, H. (2021). On the impact and sustainability of health information exchanges in the hospital supply chain. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 39(2), 283-299.

Aigbedo, H. (2021). An empirical analysis of the effect of financial performance on environmental performance of companies in global supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production. 278,1-17.

Aigbedo, H. (2019). Assessment of the effect of location and financial variables on environmental management performance for industrial goods supply chains. Journal of Environmental Management. 236,254-268.

Mattera, M. , Hilliard, I. , Shapoval, A. , Aigbedo, H. (2016). On sustainability reporting: Do stakeholders matter?. I-Manager's Journal of Management. 4, 26-36

Aigbedo, H. (2009). On bills of materials structure and optimum product-level smoothing of parts usage in JIT assembly systems. International Journal of Systems Science. 40(8), 787-798

Aigbedo, H. (2009). A note on parts inventory and mass customization for a two-stage JIT supply chain with zero-one type of bills of materials. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 60(9), 1286-1291

Aigbedo, H. (2007). An assessment of the effect of mass customization on suppliers' inventory levels in a JIT supply chain. European Journal Of Operational Research. 181, 704-715

Aigbedo, H. , Tanniru, M. (2004). "Electronic Markets in Support of Procurement Processes Along the Automotive Supply Chain". Journal of Production Planning and Control. 15(No. 4), 688-695

Aigbedo, H. , Parameswaran, R. (2004). Importance-performance analysis for improving quality of campus food service. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. 21(8), 876-896

Aigbedo, H. (2004). Analysis of parts requirements variance for a JIT supply chain. International Journal Of Production Research. 42(2), 417-430

Zeramdini, W. , Aigbedo, H. , Monden, Y. (2000). Bicriteria sequencing for JIT mixed-model assembly lines. International Journal Of Production Research. 38, 3451-3470

Zeramdini, W. , Aigbedo, H. , Monden, Y. (2000). Sequencing cars in JIT mixed-model assembly lines: A two-phase method. Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association. 60, 456-463

Aigbedo, H. (2000). Some structural properties for the just-in-time level schedule problem. Production Planning and Control. 11, 357-362

Aigbedo, H. , Monden, Y. (1997). A parametric procedure for multicriterion sequence scheduling for just-in-time mixed-model assembly lines. International Journal Of Production Research. 35, 2543-2564

Aigbedo, H. , Monden, Y. (1996). A simulation analysis for two-level sequence scheduling for just-in-time mixed-model assembly lines. International Journal Of Production Research. 34, 3104-3124

Books and Chapters:

Aigbedo, H. (2012). Green Economies and Green Processes and Their Implications for Supply Chains - Japanese Management and International Studies. (pp. 139-154). World Scientific.

Tanniru, M. Aigbedo, H. (2005). "Electronic Markets in Support of Procurement Processes along the Automotive Supply Chaign". (pp. n/a). textbook titled, "Value-Based Management of Japanese Companies".

Aigbedo, H. (2005). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Enhancing competitiveness of B2B and B2C E-commerce (Refereed: Peer-reviewed). (pp. 5). Idea Group Publishers.

Aigbedo, H. (2004). Intelligent Enterprises for the 21st Century, Managing operations in the e-commerce era: requirements and challenges (Refereed: Peer-reviewed. (pp. 281-301). Idea Group Publishers.

Monden, Y. Aigbedo, H. (2001). Maynard Industrial Engineering Handbook, Just-In-Time and kanban scheduling (Refereed: Peer-reviewed). (pp. 9.63-9.86). McGraw Hill.

Aigbedo, H. (2000). Japanese Cost Management, Just-In-Time and its cost reduction framework. (pp. 205-228). Imperial College Press, London.

Aigbedo, H. Monden, Y. (1999). Encyclopedia of Industrial Engineering, Beam Search, Cycle Time, Discrete Product Manufacturing, Evolutionary Computations, Kanban, Line-balancing, Production Smoothing, and Sequencing. (pp. (CD-ROM)). Journal of Industrial Engineering.

Other Publications:

Aigbedo, H. Parameswaran, R. (2004). Using attributes importance and performance information to improve food service quality. Proceedings of the 35th Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Aigbedo, H. (2003). Mass customization and suppliers inventory levels in a supply chain. (pp. .). Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, November, Washington, DC.

Aigbedo, H. (2003). The effect of supply frequency on some parts requirements variance metrics for a JIT supply chain. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Industry, Engineering, and Management Systems, March, Cocoa Beach, Florida, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on.

Aigbedo, H. (2001). Assessment of service quality and customer satisfaction. Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference, April, Dearborn, Proceedings of the Midwest Decision Sciences Insti.

Aigbedo, H. (2000). On customer-based aggregate evaluation measures for service operations. Proceedings of the Annual Decision Sciences Institute Conference, November, Orlando, Proceedings of the Annual Decision Sciences Instit.

Aigbedo, H. (1999). A probabilistic search algorithm for planning JIT mixed-model production to simultaneously smooth parts consumption and assembly workload. Proceedings of the 5th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference, July, Athens, Greece, Proceedings of the 5th International Decision Scie.

Aigbedo, H. (1999). On time span variance in parts supply in a JIT assembly system. Proceedings of the Annual Decision Sciences Institute Conference, November, New Orleans, Proceedings of the Annual Decision Sciences Instit.

Zeramdini, W. Aigbedo, H. Monden, Y. (1999). Using genetic algorithms for sequencing mixed-model assembly lines to level parts usage and workload. Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, October, Kanazawa, Japan, Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on.

Zeramdini, W. Aigbedo, H. Monden, Y. (1997). A hybrid method for sequencing products for JIT mixed-model assembly lines. Proceedings of the Production Scheduling Symposium '97, October, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings of the Production Scheduling Symposium.

Aigbedo, H. Monden, Y. (1996). A decision framework for bicriterion sequencing for Just-In-Time mixed-model assembly lines. Proceedings of the 1st Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute's Conference, June, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Aigbedo, H. (1996). On the multi-staging heuristic for determining product sequences for Just-In-Time final assembly lines. Proceedings of the 6th International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) Conference, Proceedings of the 6th International Federation of.

Monden, Y. Aigbedo, H. (1995). Coordination of multiple goals in sequence scheduling for JIT mixed-model assembly lines. Proceedings of the 1995 Production scheduling symposium, Proceedings of the 1995 Production scheduling symp.

Monden, Y. Aigbedo, H. (1994). Some experimental findings on the multi-goal sequencing problem for JIT mixed-model assembly lines. Proceedings of the 1994 Production scheduling symposium, Proceedings of the 1994 Production scheduling symp.